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Michael O'Neil / Michael Oreskes on the 1970'S New York City Fiscal Crisis

From 5 plays

Edward Koch on the 1970's New York City Fiscal Crisis (Part 2)

This is part two in a two part series presented…

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From  Baruch DML 29 plays

Edward Koch on the 1970's New York City Fiscal Crisis (Part 1)

Mayor Edward Koch of New York City (1978-1989)…

+7 More
From  Baruch DML 73 plays

Employment and Visual Impairment: Policy & Practice (Part 3)

Baruch College hosts the "Employment and…

+3 More
From  Baruch DML 4 plays

Employment and Visual Impairment: Policy & Practice (Part 2)…

+3 More
From  Baruch DML 2 plays

Employment and Visual Impairment: Policy & Practice (Part 1)…

+3 More
From  Baruch DML 6 plays

Mayoral Control of NYC Schools? What's Worked. What Hasn't. What's Next? (Part 2)

Baruch College School of Public Affairs in…

From  Baruch DML 6 plays

Mayoral Control of NYC Schools? What's Worked. What Hasn't. What's Next? (Part 1)

Baruch College School of Public Affairs in…

From  Baruch DML 6 plays

Coming to Terms: New York City and Term Limits

Former Speaker of the NY City Council Peter F.…

From  Baruch DML 4 plays

Politics, Pundits & Polls: Election 2008

Professor Doug Muzzio moderates this panel…

From  Baruch DML 5 plays

Closing the Educational Achievement Gap

"Baruch College School of Public Affairs…

From  Baruch DML 4 plays

Lewis Rudin on the 1970's New York City Fiscal Crisis

Lewis Rudin, Founder of the Association For A…

+6 More
From  Baruch DML 39 plays

John Zuccotti on the 1970's New York City Fiscal Crisis

John Zuccotti was the President of World…

+6 More
From  Baruch DML 16 plays

Walter Wriston on the 1970's New York City Fiscal Crisis

Walter Wriston, Chairman of Citibank during the…

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From  Baruch DML 40 plays

Richard Ravitch on the 1970's New York City Fiscal Crisis

Richard Ravitch, Former head of the New York…

+6 More
From  Baruch DML 30 plays

Dale Horowitz on the 1970's New York City Fiscal Crisis

Dale Horowitz, Senior Managing Director of…

+6 More
From  Baruch DML 223 plays

Barry Feinstein on the 1970's New York City Fiscal Crisis

Barry Feinstein, a labor leader, discusses his…

+6 More
From  Baruch DML 30 plays

Abraham Beame on the 1970's New York City Fiscal Crisis

Abraham Beame, Mayor of New York City during the…

+5 More
From  Baruch DML 60 plays

Herman Badillo on the 1970's New York City Fiscal Crisis

Herman Badillo, member of Congress during the…

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From  Baruch DML 13 plays

Roger Altman on the 1970's New York City Fiscal Crisis

Roger Altman, former Assistant Secretary of…

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From  Baruch DML 8 plays