From Baruch DML
| 8 8 playsProfessors Glenn Albright and Kristen Shockley (Psychology Department) deliver the keynote address on responsive avatars, especially their use with veterans with PTSD.… -
From Baruch DML
| 7 7 playsKevin Wolff and Christian Keck, Baruch Computing and Technology Center, talk about how to untether faculty from the classroom podium using wireless projection from… -
From Baruch DML
| 6 6 playsLuke Waltzer and Mikhail Gershovich, Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute, Paula Berggren, English Department and Zoe Sheehan Saldana, Fine and Performing Arts… -
From Baruch DML
| 2 2 playsKeri Bertino, Writing Center and Cheryl C. Smith, English Department, talk about I Magazine, an online journal sponsored by the Baruch College Writing Center and how… -
From Baruch DML
| 1 1 playsKannan Mohan, Computer Information Systems and Michael Waldman from Newman Library, talk about their pilot project of evaluating the Use of Kindles for course textbooks… -
From Baruch DML
| 3 3 playsJulianna Connelly & Peter Gregory, Mathematics Department, talk about how they improve and extend the classroom with the Tablet PC and Camtasia at the Baruch… -
From Baruch DML
| 6 6 playsBrian Moore, Communication Studies, talks about a pilot study of clicker use at the Baruch College's 13th Annual Teaching and Technology Conference. The study… -
From Baruch DML
| 7 7 playsKevin Wolff, Baruch Computing and Technology Center, demonstrates how to use RSS feeds in Blackboard at the Baruch College's 13th Annual Teaching and Technology… -
From Baruch DML
| 11 11 playsRon Bissessar, Office of Services for Students with Disabilities & Carlos M. Herrera, Services for Students with Disabilities, Queensborough Community College, CUNY… -
From Baruch DML
| 7 7 playsChristopher Tuthill and Linda Rath, Information Services Librarians at Newman Library, speak on the Newman Library Video Channel on YouTube at the Baruch College's… -
From Baruch DML
| 4 4 playsProfessor William P. Millhiser at Management Department talks about creating video in the classroom at the Baruch College's 13th Annual Teaching and Technology… -
From Baruch DML
| 12 12 playsDr. Jennifer A. Mangels, Associate Professor of Psychology, Baruch College, and the doctoral program in Psychology, The Graduate Center, CUNY, delivers the keynote… -
From Baruch DML
| 5 5 playsPrakash Nair, President of Fielding Nair International and Managing Editor of DesignShare.com discusses the future of education and educational technology in the keynote… -
From Baruch DML
| 3 3 playsDr. Lonnie D. Harvel, Vice President for Educational Technology, Georgia Gwinnett College, delivers the keynote address of Baruch's Tenth Annual Teaching and… -
From Baruch DML
| 8 8 playsA slide montage of the 12th Annual Baruch Teaching and Technology Conference held on March 27, 2009.