From Baruch DML
| 7 7 playsPeter Sweeney, Senior Customer Success Manager from LinkedIn, discusses the whats and hows of LinkedIn for successful personal branding. -
From Baruch DML
| 17 17 playsPanel discussions on the UN/SIOP committee, featured projects, and career in industrial / organizational psychology. -
From Baruch DML
| 33 33 playsDirector Fred Burke introduces the Graduate Career Management Center at the part-time MBA and MS student orientation program. -
From Baruch DML
| 15 15 playsAnnie Himmelsbach narrates in a video; Ellen King speaks to accountancy and taxation students about the Graduate Career Management Center at the part-time MBA and MS… -
From Baruch DML
| 61 61 playsJustyn Makarewycz introduces the graduate club fair at the part-time MBA and MS student orientation program. -
From Baruch DML
| 24 24 playsExecutive coach Susan Sexton leads a session on communicating with confidence at the part-time MBA and MS student orientation program. -
From Baruch DML
| 42 42 playsAnnie Himmelsbach leads a panel on career change followed by a question and answer session at the part-time MBA and MS student orientation program. -
From Baruch DML
| 31 31 playsJack Pullara speaks about career trajectories at the part-time MBA and MS student orientation program. -
From Baruch DML
| 25 25 playsTanuja Ramchal introduces career services for international students at the part-time MBA and MS student orientation program. -
From Baruch DML
| 10 10 playsOrganized by the Graduate Career Management Center of the Baruch Zicklin School of Business, the speaker for this 45 minutes series lecture, Andrew Neitlich, is… -
From Baruch DML
| 17 17 playsA panel of finance professionals discusses their careers and job functions, reflects upon the skills and qualifications necessary to land a job and succeed in finance,… -
From Baruch DML
| 7 7 playsA panel of real estate executives discusses their respective backgrounds, job responsibilities, skills and qualifications needed in real estate, and how they got where… -
From Baruch DML
| 5 5 plays"A panel of professional consultants speaks about their individual career paths, job responsibilities, consulting as a way of life and how to balance work and life,… -
From Baruch DML
| 14 14 playsA panel of nonprofit and corporate managers discusses their career paths, skills and qualifications needed at jobs, valuable experiences from school, and offers advices… -
From Baruch DML
| 40 40 playsA panel of successful entrepreneurs talks about how they started their businesses, their educational and professional backgrounds, and the common challenges and… -
From Baruch DML
| 92 92 playsA panel of accounting professionals discusses the accounting field, individual career paths, job responsibilities, tips for making career decisions and job searching,… -
From Baruch DML
| 16 16 playsA Panel of IT representatives discuss their college and career experiences and offer advice and tips to students interested in CIS. Topics include: their roles at jobs;… -
From Baruch DML
| 9 9 playsA panel of real estate executives discusses their respective businesses and backgrounds, job responsibilities, technical vs. soft skills, and how they got where they are… -
From Baruch DML
| 17 17 playsA panel of finance professionals discusses their responsibilities, and skills and qualifications necessary to be successful in finance, and offers valuable tips and… -
From Baruch DML
| 9 9 playsA panel of nonprofit and corporate managers discusses their career paths, job responsibilities, and how they got where they are in management. The event is hosted…