Search for tag: "writing center interview"

Writing in English with Professor Mary McGlynn

The Baruch College Writing Center presents an…

From  Baruch DML 149 plays

Writing in Communications with Professor Elisabeth Gareis

The Baruch College Writing Center presents an…

From  Baruch DML 50 plays

Writing in Anthropology with Professor Glenn Petersen

The Baruch College Writing Center presents an…

From  Baruch DML 66 plays

Writing in Anthropology with Professor E. A. Burlingame

The Baruch College Writing Center presents an…

From  Baruch DML 68 plays

Writing in Music with Professor Elizabeth Wollman

The Baruch College Writing Center presents an…

From  Baruch DML 24 plays

Writing in Management with Professor Mehmet Genc

The Baruch College Writing Center presents an…

From  Baruch DML 53 plays