"The Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management at the Baruch College School of Public Affairs and VCG Governance Matters present ""What Can Board Chairs Do to Make Boards Work?""
David LaGreca, Executive Director, VCG Governance Matters, makes the opening remarks. James A. Krauskopf, Director of the Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management, introduces Jason Lilien, Bureau Chief, Charities Bureau, Office of the New York State Attorney General. Mr. Lilien makes welcoming remarks.
David Birdsell, Dean, School of Public Affairs, Baruch College & Chair of the Board of VCG Governance Matters leads a panel of executives - finalists from this year’s Brooke W. Mahoney Award for Outstanding Board Leadership for a conversation about what makes their Boards--and their organizations--successful.
Robert B. Mellins
Board Chair, Louis August Jonas Foundation
Janet Riccio
Board Member & Chair of the Board Operations Committee, Make-A-Wish Foundation of Metro New York
Christopher Linen
Board Chair, Urban Education Exchange
The event takes place on September 15, 2011 at the Baruch College Newman Conference Center, Room 750."
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