The Inaugural Conference on Climate Research, Teaching, and Collaboration, Part IV: Firm Outcomes
From Sheau-Yueh Chao
From Sheau-Yueh Chao
This is PART FOUR of the conference videos.
The Part of this Conference program entitled : Climate Change, Disclosure, and Firm Outcomes (2:45 pm–3:45 pm) is moderated by Professor Jun Wang, Zicklin School of Business. It includes the following speakers for the session:
of Political Beliefs in Investor and Firm Attitudes Toward CSR-
Leonard Kostovetsky, Associate Professor, Bert W. Wasserman Department
of Economics and Finance, Zicklin School of Business
Governance and Sustainability-
Yao Shen, Assistant Professor, Bert W. Wasserman Department of Economics
and Finance, Zicklin School of Business
Disclosure and Corporate Investment-
Joonsung Won, PhD student, Bert W. Wasserman Department of Economics and
Finance, Zicklin School of Business
Disclosure, Performance, and Stock Returns
Mehmet Ozbilgin, Assistant Professor, Stan Ross Department of
Accountancy, Zicklin School of Business