Summit on Latino Families: A State of Emergency (Part 3)
From Baruch DML August 31, 2012
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New York City Latino community leaders, social service providers, parents and allies hold an emergency summit to address the state of affairs of Latino families and Latino family support services in New York City, particularly the policies of the New York City Administration for Children's Services (ACS). The summit serves to provide recommendations for enhancing the availability of culturally competent community-based Latino family support services throughout the city.
The summit is facilitated by Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, CEO of Safe Space.
[Video 1: 73 min.]
Perspectives regarding the current state of Latino children and families in New York City are presented. Speakers include: Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, CEO of Safe Space; James A. Krauskopf, Distinguished Lecturer and Director of the School of Public Affairs Nonprofit Group at Baruch College; Elba Montalvo, Executive Director of the Committee for Hispanic Children and Families; Lillian Rodriguez-Lopez, President of the Hispanic Federation; Domingo Flores legislative director of the Office of New York City Councilwoman Annabel Palma; and parent speakers Arlene Pimentel and Wildania Abreu of Alianza Dominicana.
A question and answer session follows.
[Video 2: 67 min.]
Perspectives from the field are presented in a panel discussion. Panelists include Rosa Rosado, Assistant Director, Child Welfare Organizing Project; Moises Perez, Executive Director, Alianza Dominicana; Denise Rosario, Executive Director, Coalition for Hispanic Family Services; and Dr. Hector R. Cordero-Guzman, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Black and Hispanic Studies at Baruch College.
[Video 3: 81 min.]
Guest speaker Commissioner John B. Mattingly of the New York City Administration for Children's Services (ACS) discusses a plan for ACS reform and answers questions from the audience.
Policy recommendations are offered by representatives speaking on behalf of structured workgroups brought together as part of the summit. These speakers include: Elvira Gonzalez of the Puerto Rican Family Institute, presenting recommendations related to preventative services and family support; Jose Nazario of the Coalition for Hispanic Families, presenting recommendations related to foster care services; Ernesto Loperena of the New York Council on Adoptable Children, presenting recommendations related to adoption and after care services; and Christian Dial, presenting reccomendations regarding capacity building, cultural competency and training.
The summit is sponsored by the Coalition for Latino Families and the Baruch College School of Public Affairs. It takes place March 28, 2006 at the William and Anita Newman Conference Center at Baruch College.
The summit is facilitated by Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, CEO of Safe Space.
[Video 1: 73 min.]
Perspectives regarding the current state of Latino children and families in New York City are presented. Speakers include: Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, CEO of Safe Space; James A. Krauskopf, Distinguished Lecturer and Director of the School of Public Affairs Nonprofit Group at Baruch College; Elba Montalvo, Executive Director of the Committee for Hispanic Children and Families; Lillian Rodriguez-Lopez, President of the Hispanic Federation; Domingo Flores legislative director of the Office of New York City Councilwoman Annabel Palma; and parent speakers Arlene Pimentel and Wildania Abreu of Alianza Dominicana.
A question and answer session follows.
[Video 2: 67 min.]
Perspectives from the field are presented in a panel discussion. Panelists include Rosa Rosado, Assistant Director, Child Welfare Organizing Project; Moises Perez, Executive Director, Alianza Dominicana; Denise Rosario, Executive Director, Coalition for Hispanic Family Services; and Dr. Hector R. Cordero-Guzman, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Black and Hispanic Studies at Baruch College.
[Video 3: 81 min.]
Guest speaker Commissioner John B. Mattingly of the New York City Administration for Children's Services (ACS) discusses a plan for ACS reform and answers questions from the audience.
Policy recommendations are offered by representatives speaking on behalf of structured workgroups brought together as part of the summit. These speakers include: Elvira Gonzalez of the Puerto Rican Family Institute, presenting recommendations related to preventative services and family support; Jose Nazario of the Coalition for Hispanic Families, presenting recommendations related to foster care services; Ernesto Loperena of the New York Council on Adoptable Children, presenting recommendations related to adoption and after care services; and Christian Dial, presenting reccomendations regarding capacity building, cultural competency and training.
The summit is sponsored by the Coalition for Latino Families and the Baruch College School of Public Affairs. It takes place March 28, 2006 at the William and Anita Newman Conference Center at Baruch College.
- Tags
- Publisher
- School of Public Affairs, Bernard M. Baruch College
- Event Date
- March 28, 2006
- Copyright Information
- Bernard M. Baruch College, c2006
- Contents
- Video 1. The current state of Latino Children and Families in New York City -- Video 2. Panel Discussion on Perspectives from the Field -- Video 3. Commissioner John Mattingly on The Plan for ACS Reform, and Policy Recommendations from Work Groups.
- Contributor
- Barrios-Paoli, LilliamGonzalez, ElviraNazario, JoseLoperena, ErnestoDial, Christian
- Appears In
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