Sponsored by the Baruch College School of Public Affairs (SPA), Newman Library, and the New York Census Research Data Center (NYCRDC), the 2nd Annual Census Workshop Series focus on mapping and spatial analysis.
This is the third workshop of the series. Glenn Deane, Department of Sociology, SUNY, Albany, gives a non-technical overview of geospatial statistical methods.
Robin Leichenko, Department of Geography, Rutgers University, describes a completed Census RDC project that used spatial data.
Javier Miranda, Census Bureau, discusses spatial software in the Census RDCs including plans for use of ARC/GIS and other software.
Rosemary Hyson, Administrator, New York Census Research Data Center talks about how to write proposals to get access to Census research data.
Sanders Korenman, Executive Director of the NYCRDC and Professor at SPA, gives the opening remarks and moderates the workshop.
The event takes place on May 8, 2008, at 135 E. 22nd Street, Room 301.
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