Baruch College Internship Fairs: Tips and Suggestions
From Baruch DML August 14, 2012
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Heather Krasna of Baruch College's Career Development Center and various recruiters attending Baruch's February 2006 Internship Fair offer tips to students as to how to prepare for and make a good impression at internship fairs and other similar career events.
Recruiters interviewed include: Amy Harloff of Morgan Stanley, Dorian Frederick of TIAA CREF, Dawn Thompson of Ernst & Young and Ashley Kolberg of the New York City Office of Emergency Mangement.
Recruiters interviewed include: Amy Harloff of Morgan Stanley, Dorian Frederick of TIAA CREF, Dawn Thompson of Ernst & Young and Ashley Kolberg of the New York City Office of Emergency Mangement.
- Tags
- Publisher
- Bernard M. Baruch College
- Event Date
- January 01, 2006
- Copyright Information
- Bernard M. Baruch College, c2006
- Speakers
- Bernard M. Baruch CollegeCareer Development Center
- Contributor
- Krasna, HeatherKolberg, AshleyThompson, DawnFrederick, Dorian
- Appears In
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